Hope For The Journey

Ways to Find Normal When Nothing is Normal

Greetings from a cozy spot somewhere along the canal in Ocean Isle, North Carolina! For those of you who don’t know, North Carolina holds a special place in my heart. I spent 18 years here, and it’s always a joy to return and reconnect with family and friends. This trip is a mix of work and leisure, as I’m on a working vacation—seeing clients during the day and enjoying the afternoons and evenings with loved ones.

As I reflect on the past six weeks, maybe even two months, I realize just how chaotic things have been. Our routine has been completely upended, and we haven’t been in our usual places. This lack of structure can be unsettling, leaving us feeling ungrounded and stressed.

With this in mind, I thought it might be helpful to share some tips and tricks I’ve picked up for establishing a routine in unusual circumstances. When life is out of sync, finding a semblance of normalcy can be incredibly grounding.

1. Consistent Sleep and Wake Times

One of the most fundamental aspects of maintaining a routine is setting regular sleep and wake times. Even when everything else feels chaotic, sticking to a consistent sleep schedule can help regulate your body’s rhythm. It provides a sense of stability, signaling to your body that things are okay, even if everything else is in flux.

2. Mindful Eating

Traveling or dealing with changes often leads to irregular eating habits. We might eat out more often or indulge in foods we usually avoid. To counteract this, try incorporating one or two consistent meals that align with your usual diet. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the local cuisine or treat yourself, but balancing it with familiar, nourishing foods can help your body feel grounded. A healthy gut can do wonders for managing emotions and overall well-being.

3. Morning and Evening Rituals

Morning and evening routines can serve as anchor points in your day. For me, a typical morning starts with a cup of coffee, a workout, and some breathing exercises or meditation. Even if I can’t do everything in my usual routine, incorporating one or two elements helps me feel centered. Today, for instance, I made time for meditation and breathing exercises, which set a positive tone for the day.

Incorporating even small parts of your regular routines can provide comfort and stability. Whether it’s a morning cup of tea, a few moments of meditation, or a nightly skincare routine, these rituals can be incredibly grounding.

Sending Support

Lastly, I want to extend my thoughts and support to everyone affected by Hurricane Beryl, especially those in Texas who are dealing with the aftermath and power outages. A special thanks to the first responders working tirelessly in challenging conditions. Our hearts are with you, and we’re sending positive vibes for a swift recovery and restoration of services, especially for our more vulnerable populations.

I hope these tips help you find a little more balance and calm, even in the midst of chaos. I’d love to hear from you—what do you do to maintain a routine when life gets hectic?

Take care and stay grounded!

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  1. Contact Hope for the Journey
  2. Meet with a caring therapist
  3. Begin to Feel, Heal & Thrive!

Other Services Offered At Hope For The Journey

Our team is happy to offer a number of services from our Round Rock and Austin therapy offices. Mental health services include therapy for anxiety and depressiondomestic violencesexual assaultPTSD, and EMDR. Our team also provides support for family members of all ages with counseling for teens and young adultschildren and tweenscouplesmen, and parents/partners. Contact us today to learn more about our team and community involvement!

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