Hope For The Journey

ADHD: Myths and Misconceptions

Wondering About ADHD? You’re Not Alone

Are you wondering if you or your child has ADHD? ADHD (or Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) has gotten so much hype over the years that it can be hard to sort through the myths in order to see if you have a problem. 

But don’t worry. That’s why we’re here–to help you understand what ADHD is, what it’s not, and how to know if you or your loved one might be struggling with it. Our clients receiving ADHD treatment in Round Rock, Austin, and online get help with understanding their diagnosis. Our goal is that you will not just survive ADHD, but learn to thrive with it.


I sat down at my laptop to do some much-needed reading. I prepared myself to settle in comfortably and focus. One page into my reading, I see a notification pop up on my phone that an order for my dog’s dog food had been canceled. 

Boom. There went an hour of hyper fixating on 1) getting the correct refund and 2) determining how I could quickly find this dog food elsewhere. All of a sudden, I feel a snap back to reality and remember that I initially sat down to complete some reading. A flood of emotions kicks in. Initially, I’m so angry that I let this happen. Then I’m feeling guilty that I haven’t progressed in the reading that I really needed to do. 

I take a deep breath and acknowledge that while this wasn’t what I had planned on, it was also an important task that needed to be completed.

The ADHD brain can be remarkably frustrating in that way, but it can also be such a gift. For example, many people with ADHD enjoy a vivid imagination and bring unique creativity to their lives. They tend to think outside the box. This can allow them to problem solve in different ways than a typical brain might. Understanding your ADHD brain can lead to you managing the more difficult aspects so that you can enjoy the benefits of your awesome, unique brain.

How Do You Know If You Have ADHD?

Oftentimes, folks express confusion when I bring up having an ADHD diagnosis. They usually say, “But I’ve seen you sit still for a long time? And I’ve seen you focus on things before with no problem!” They aren’t wrong, and there are some SUPER common myths about ADHD to debunk here! Let’s talk about them.


People with ADHD can’t ever sit still.


False! There are actually three different ‘subtypes’ of ADHD

ADHD Subtype #1: Inattentive

This subtype of ADHD looks most like having difficulties focusing attention on tasks, being easily distracted, and poor organization. 

Example: You start cleaning your room, then see that your socks are mismatched. So, you get them all out and start matching, then realize you need to do laundry (the socks are still on the floor in a pile half-matched). So, you put a load in but realize you need laundry detergent. As a result, you go to the store and remember you needed ingredients for a cake, so you get them. Halfway through the cake, your feet get cold and you remember the socks. You go into your room and decide to just go to bed because the mess of your room has gotten nowhere and you’re exhausted. 

ADHD Subtype #2:  Hyperactive

This subtype looks more like ‘stereotype’. A person with hyperactive presentation may have difficulty sitting still, may feel overwhelming urges to move, and struggle with self-control.

Example: This might be the kid that has trouble sitting still in school or church. It might look like picking at your fingers or always having something to fiddle with in your hands. It might also look like kids or adults who need high-intensity levels of exercise daily or they just don’t feel right. 

ADHD Subtype #3:  Combined

People with combined presentation experience symptoms of both the inattentive type and hyperactive type of ADHD. 


People with ADHD can’t focus on anything for a long period of time.


Incorrect! People with ADHD are often seeking things that are novel, fun, and interesting. A task that someone with ADHD finds to be ‘boring’ is probably one that they will have a hard time focusing on. Something that is enjoyable? Oftentimes, folks with ADHD can hyper-fixate on a task that they are interested in. 


People with ADHD can’t function without stimulant medication.


Now, some folks with ADHD really benefit from medication, but that doesn’t mean that all people will need it. There are lots of ways to treat ADHD without medication, including meeting with a therapist.

Here are some Non-Medication ADHD Tips that you can try TODAY!

  1. Attend ADHD therapy to help you gain insight and make changes.

  2. Practice self-compassion:  try finding a positive affirmation to tell yourself when you’re feeling guilt or shame about not completing a task.

  3. If you’re able, move your body. Give yourself permission to stand, stretch, and pace when you need it.

  4. Try mindfulness and meditation to help calm your mind & body.

  5. Use lists & schedules to help keep you organized.

Begin Working with A Therapist in Round Rock, TX or Austin, TX

ADHD Therapy in Austin and Round Rock and online for all of Texas can help you understand the myths and the facts, as well as help you navigate life better and bring out the strengths of your awesome brain. 

Let’s get started today! You can find ADHD Treatment in Austin or Round Rock, or anywhere in Texas with Hope For The JourneyContact our Care Coordinator today to set up an appointment. Let us help you understand yourself better and find strategies to manage your ADHD. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:

2. Meet with a caring therapist
3. Start understanding and overcoming your ADHD symptoms
The ADHD brain has trouble filtering information to know what is important and what is not. This can lead to overwhelm. Meet with a therapist in Round Rock, TX at Hope For The Journey for help with ADHD counseling.

Creativity is a hallmark of the ADHD brain. When you can organize yourself and overcome the motivation obstacles that can sometimes come with living with ADHD, you can enjoy the benefits. Learn how online therapy in Texas can help today. 

The ADHD brain can function differently than a neuro-typical brain. We can help you learn how. Learn more about online therapy in Texas, or therapy in Round Rock, TX or Austin, TX.

Don’t let ADHD hold you or your child back. Find out how to increase motivation and organization for kids, teens, and adults with therapy for tweens in Austin or Round Rock, TX that works.

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