“The biggest risk of all, is not taking one.” Mellody Hobson, co-CEO of Ariel Investments.
Let's be honest. Quality therapy that works isn't cheap.
Unfortunately, insurance companies have traditionally offered such low reimbursement rates that many therapists, like us at Hope For The Journey, have had to opt out.
Why? Because we refuse to sacrifice the quality of your services.
We refuse to be another bandaid or broken promise for our clients who have already suffered more than most.
Our Commitment to Quality Counseling:
*Our therapists all have invested in advanced trainings like EMDR, Trauma-Focused CBT, EFT and continue to invest in building their toolkit for your healing.
*We meet weekly for ongoing complex trauma-informed supervision.
*We invest in regular meetings and trainings to address our own biases and build our anti-racism and LGBT-ally muscles.
*We limit our caseloads to avoid burnout in our therapists and allow them the time they need outside of sessions to bring life, energy, and objectivity to your treatment.
*We build in time for play and release because you deserve a therapist that is refreshed and grounded in unrelenting hopefulness for you.
Still, everyone deserves to have the life of their dreams, so accessibility is important to us, too.
Our Commitment to Affordable Counseling:
*Hope For The Journey offers Care Credit, which allows people to spread out payments over a 1 year period with no interest, provided the total is paid within 1 year.
*Hope For The Journey’s masters level intern program allows us to provide low fee services for at or less than many insurance copayment amounts.
A Great Fit With Your Therapist = Better Results
Effective PTSD Treatment & Anxiety Help Is An Investment In Your Tomorrow
Investment Details
(Click each tier for details)
- $15
So many clients have told us they felt stuck with a therapist who wasn’t a great fit. Why? Because they didn’t want to start all over again. That’s why we created the 30-minute Meet & Greet option.
Make sure it’s a good fit before investing your time, money, and story. Schedule today.
- $200 – Intensives / hour
- $200 – Couples Sessions / hour (90 min Couples Intake $300)
- $185 – Individual Sessions / hour. (90 min Individual Intake $265)
You want only the most experienced of clinicians. You may consider yourself a tough case. Or, you may realize the value that can come from a seasoned clinician. Our Master Clinicians are EMDR Certified and are at least 5 years post-licensure.
Who ARE our most experienced EMDR Certified clinicians?
- $240 – Intake Assessment
- $160 – Hourly
You value experience and want someone who has already proven their commitment to skill development. Our Senior Clinicians are fully licensed and have more advanced training levels. This includes EMDR Certification and/or Doctorate Level Education.
EMDR certification involves:
- A minimum of 50 clinical sessions in which EMDR was used
- 20 hours of consultation in EMDR by an Approved Consultant
- And 12 hours of continuing education in EMDR every two years.
Certified EMDR therapists really know their stuff!
Not sure if you want to do EMDR? No worries! All our therapists have training and experience with many skills and techniques. EMDR just happens to be one of the most effective options for trauma recovery.
Who ARE our Senior Clinicians?
- $200 – Individual/Couples Intake Assessment
- $145 – Hourly Individual
- $160 – Couples/Family
You want to trust that your therapist has proven themselves through licensure. But you are still looking for a good value.
Advanced Clinicians are fully licensed and within the first 5 years of practice. They are also EMDR trained, working towards certification.
Who ARE our fully licensed, EMDR trained therapists?
- Sophie Chudleigh, LCSW, EMDR training begins 10/23
- Heather Hammock, LMFT, EFT, EMDR
- Shauna Diawaku, LPC, EMDR
2023 Rates
- $190 – Intake Assessment
- $135 – Hourly
You want expert anxiety, depression, and PTSD treatment. We want to provide treatment options for a variety of budgets. Working with a skilled provisionally licensed clinician is a perfect option. Our Resident Clinicians are provisionally licensed. But, with advanced training like EMDR and more supervision in Complex Trauma over and above what is required for licensure.
What IS a provisionally licensed counselor?
All types of therapists must complete their first 3000 clinical hours under supervision. This ensures that they have the support and training they need to take great care of you. Once they complete the required hours, they can sit for their licensing exam.
Who ARE our provisionally licensed counselors?
$75 – Individual intake assessment
$50 – Hourly individual
You need quality anxiety, depression, and PTSD treatment at an affordable rate. We agree! That’s why we have started a master’s level intern program where we can provide low-cost services backed by the support and training of our entire team.
What IS a master’s level intern?
When counselors go to school to become therapists, they have practicum and internship hours that are required to make sure they are trained and ready to enter the therapy world post-graduation.
Our master’s level interns go through a rigorous interview process. We look for interns who are humble, ready to learn, and have life experiences that will aide them in developing into excellent therapists. They are then walked through our extensive training program and have regular and frequent supervision to ensure you are getting the quality you expect from a Hope For The Journey therapist.
Who ARE our master’s level interns?
- Master Clinician – $100 per group session
- Senior Clinician – $75 per group session
- Advanced Clinician – $60 per group session
- Resident Clinician – $50 per group session
- Master Clinician: $200 Hourly Base, $20 added per hour per additional participant
- Senior Clinician: $175 Hourly Base, $20 added per hour per additional participant
- Advanced Clinician: $150 Hourly Base, $20 added per hour per additional participant
What is an Intensive?
Sometimes our clients want to make a big breakthrough. Or, they feel like they are stuck with something that will take longer than a normal 50-minute session can address. Sometimes weekly therapy sessions are not appropriate or safe. This is when we may discuss the benefits of an intensive session.
Intensives usually last anywhere from a half-day to many days in a row. They can be appropriate for individuals, couples, families, and siblings. Because they are intense, your clinician will need to assess your readiness for this intervention.
You might benefit from an Intensive if…
- There are multiple participants (ie. couples, families, siblings), and coordinating schedules for multiple weekly sessions is not possible.
- You travel often and cannot make weekly attendance work for your schedule.
- Fast relief is needed in order to maintain or resume normal daily functioning.
- You want to resolve an issue all at once rather than over several weeks or months.
Not Sure If You're Ready to Start?
Making sure that you have the RIGHT FIT with your therapist is super important. Why? Because research shows that feeling comfortable and confident in your clinician is a one of the biggest indicators of success in counseling.
Many of our clients want to avoid launching into the details of their story or investing financially until they feel confident in their choice. Our Client Care Coordinator is a matchmaking genius, but, just like with dating, sometimes what’s good on paper doesn’t translate into real life.
That’s why we offer a 30-minute consult with the therapist of your choicefor only $15. It’s an opportunity for you to meet, get a sense of how you connect, and work through any hesitations that are holding you back.
At the conclusion of that 30 minutes, you’ll be better able to decide how you want to move forward.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Often Do I Have To Come To Therapy?
For traditional therapy, most clients benefit from weekly sessions to start. Routine helps your brain feel more comfortable and at rest. Extended breaks between sessions can mean appointments are spent updating your therapist rather than focusing on your treatment goals. However, your therapist will help you to understand to pros/cons as they apply to you and together, you will determine how often you will meet.
Once it is clinically appropriate, we will start extending the time between sessions.
The length of time in treatment varies wildly from client to client. Once you have completed your intake assessment and created a treatment plan with your therapist, you should have an idea if it will be shorter or longer. Once you’ve gotten into treatment, you will know even more as you explore how open to change your system is. The more open you are, the faster treatment tends to be.
One way to speed things up is to use EMDR Intensives.
Do We Accept Insurance?
Hope For The Journey offers specialized Anxiety Help, PTSD Treatment, and Depression therapy. You will meet with therapists trained in the most cutting-edge treatment modalities.
Our goal is to provide you with the best, most effective services while protecting your privacy.
As a result, we are NOT contracted directly with any insurance companies who unfortunately severely underpay clinicians for counseling services. This means we are out-of-network providers. We do provide superbills, on request, for clients to submit to their insurance companies for out-of-network reimbursement.
What Does Out-Of Network Mean?
Hope For The Journey therapists provide clients with highly specialized treatment options. Because of this, our services don’t always fit into the rigid guidelines of insurance companies.
But don’t worry! That doesn’t mean we will leave you to the wolves!
We can help you find out your benefits & understand the claim process. Then, monthly, we provide a Statement for Insurance Reimbursement or Superbill. This will have has everything your insurance company will need to process the claim.
How Does Out of Network Billing Work?
Our goal is to take the stress out of out of network billing. The process is simple:
1. You pay for the session.
2. We provide you with a Statement of Insurance Reimbursement (also called a Superbill).
3. You send in the Superbill to your insurance company.
4. Your insurance company sends you a reimbursement check for any benefits due.
What Are My Payment Options?
Fees are due at each session. We accept credit/debit card, Health Savings Account (HSA) funds, or Care Credit.
You will enter whatever payment option you choose into our secure online client portal. We will use this at each session to run payment.
Limited sliding scale slots are also available, upon request.
What is Care Credit?
Care Credit provides financing for medical and mental health expenses. As long as you pay off the balance within 1 year, you will have no financing fees. This is great if you are coming in for shorter term work, but want to stretch out your payments. Nia, our Client Care Coordinator, can help you understand the process and get started.
Do you have Low Fee Counseling Options?
Yes! We are proud to be a teaching group. As such, we have masters level student interns who are completing their masters degree in preparation for becoming therapists.
Our masters level student interns receive weekly individual and group supervision, videotape their sessions for supervisor review, and provided training on complex trauma, PTSD, and dissociation throughout their internships.
Fees = $50/session (sliding scale options also available)
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 24 hours beforehand. Otherwise, you may be charged for the full rate of the session. When you cancel last minute, it means another client was unable to receive support in that slot. So, it impacts more than just your therapist, also.
Good Faith Estimate
As part of the No Surprises Act of 2022, you’re entitled to a Good Faith Estimate. This is to better understand your financial investment should you choose to begin treatment with an HFTJ therapist. When you schedule an appointment, we will provide you with this estimate as part of your Consent for Treatment. But, if you’d like a separate one sent, we’re happy to oblige you. Contact our Care Coordinator for help.
Court and Other Non-clinical Fees
Court testimony/document prep/etc… $200/hour ($1500 court retainer required)
Document prep/email/calls (15 min+)…. your therapist’s clinical hour rate in 15 min units
Collateral Contacts (15 min+)… your therapist’s clinical hour rate in 15 min units
Do You Prescribe Medication?
No. Our clinicians are counselors and therapists, so we cannot prescribe medication. However, with your permission, we do coordinate and consult with your psychiatrist or prescriber to ensure you have the best overall treatment outcomes.
Any Other Questions?
Please contact us with any other questions you may have. Visit our contact page so you can leave a message or give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you